Proactive. Protective. PRO-YOU!

OUR MISSION is to teach women to confidently and consistently perform proper Breast Self-Exams and empower them to be...

My Breast Friend™ is based on The MammaCare Method® , which is the recognized standard for performing and teaching clinical and personal breast examination. This method has trained 1,000’s of doctors around the globe for over 30 years.
The MammaCare Method® was developed with the support of:

Now available to every women like you who is seeking educate and train her fingers to perform an effective Breast Self-Exam

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Shocking Facts About Breast Cancer Detection and What You Can do About It
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Time Matters
Earlier Detection = Better Survival Rates
Despite increased use of screening mammography, a large percentage of breast cancers are detected by the patients themselves. Patient-noted breast abnormalities should be carefully evaluated.
Journal of Women’s Health, Self Detection Remains a key Method of Breast Cancer Detection for U.S. Women.
Approximately 50% of cases of breast cancer in women 50 years and older and 71% of cases of breast cancer in women younger than 50 years are detected by women themselves.
Practice Bulletin No 179 of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Breast Cancer Risk Assessment and Screening in Average-Risk Women
Finding it Matters – A significant number of women present with palpable breast cancer even with a normal mammogram within 1 year.
Am J. Surg 2010 Dec;200(6):712-7. Haakinson DJ, Stucky CC, Dueck AC, Gray RJ, Wasif N, Apsey HA, Pockaj B.g 2010 Dec;200(6):
You may get your yearly mammogram or thermogram and ultrasound, but there are still 364 days in the year that your breast tissue can change.
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